Beauty and the Least

Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas

Less than one week until Halloween! I remember back in my college days I would plan my outfits with my girlfriends so far in advance, but these days dressing up is much more last minute. Below I compiled some ideas of costumes you can pull together last minute that are very affordable and many of the items you will already own! Great for that last minute party invite! Also, sharing some easy ideas I’v done in the past for inspiration. Happy Halloween! Be sure to tag me on Instagram or Facebook – I want to see your costumes! 🙂

Two years ago, I decided to dress up as my favorite entertainer – Jennifer Lopez! This was extremely easy as I already had everything needed! I went with her famous old school VMA’s look and already had all of the clothes needed! You can easily do the same with your favorite celebrity so long as it is a “memorable” outfit like this one! Same goes for characters they’ve played in movies or television shows.

Some other creative character outfits I’ve seen done well are:

Sandy/Danny from Grease (I’m personally dying to be Sandy one year soon!) It is pretty easy since most of us ladies already own black pants, some sort of black off-the-shoulder top, a black leather jacket, red (or other sexy) heels, and hoop earrings. The harder part of this costume (for me at least!) would be getting the blonde hair if you’re a brunette. It is easy to get a guy to be Danny too as he should probably already own black pants, a white tee, black leather jacket, black shades, and black Converse. Just add hair grease! 😉 (photo from Polyvore)

The Scooby Doo crew! This would be a fun group effort! (photo from

Flo from Progressive & Jake from State Farm (photo from

I could go on and on with characters, but I’ll let you get creative and come up with some of your own from your favorite movies/shows! Now here are some ideas that are less specific:

A few years back my friend and I were fairies. This was simple all we needed was a leotard (American Apparel), tutu , wings, & floral headband (all from Claire’s)! Get creative with glittery makeup and hair styling!

Here are some flapper costumes I did with my friend, which could easily be replicated now that the fringe trend is in! If you have a fringe or sparkly dress you can just add a boa, headband with flower or feather (hit up Michael’s or JoAnn Fabric and make your own!), some fishnets, and heels!

Wondering what I’m going to dress up as this year? It is a suprise, but definitely very last minute and specific to the place I will be spending Halloween so stay tuned! Follow me on Snapchat or Instagram to see my costume on Halloween Day! 🙂