Beauty and the Least

The Bachelorette – Week 6 Recap

Hey friends and fellow Bachelor Nation fanatics! 😉
I polled my social media to find out if you were interested in me doing recaps of the show each week and got an overwhelming amount of support, so here I am ready to break down all of my thoughts for you about last night’s episode of The Bachelorette!

Please leave a comment on this blog post to let me know if you liked this recap and would like me to continue doing them throughout the season and for Bachelor in Paradise as well! I’d love to hear your thoughts too about all of the guys so let’s chat about it in the comments section! 🙂 Also, subscribe to my blog here so that you will be notified each time I put up a new recap:

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Okay time for the recap! If you don’t know my personality, I wanted to start off by letting you know that I have a somewhat sarcastic, dry sense of humor and can be pretty blunt and honest at times. I never mean to say anything offensive about any of the people on the show, so all of the things I say are to meant be taken lightly and as a joke. Also, I don’t do any spoilers so don’t worry about reading any of those. Hope you enjoy!

I’m going to discuss the episode in chronological order of how things were shown to us. Rachel was down to 6 guys left and this week she had three 1-on-1 dates and a group 3-on-1 date to end it off. The first 1-on-1 date went to Bryan. Personally, I despise the idea of this guy and he would never be MY pick. I would’ve sent him home a long time ago, however this is about Rachel‘s love connection, not mine! One of my readers asked that I mention some of Rachel‘s fashion each week and share some similar finds to outfits she wore on the episode. I initially loved this idea and will still try to do this when I feel it is possible, but to be completely honest, I found pretty much everything she wore on this episode to be hideous except for maybe a couple pairs of heels. The outfits she wore reminded me of what my grandma would wear to the formal night on cruise ships (solid color baggy turtleneck with matching pants, topped with a giant gawdy necklace.)

(both photos courtesy of stylist Cary Fetman’s Instagram)

In this photo, Rachel is saying “Why the hell do I keep having to wear these granny clothes!?”
Now, I’ve lived in Miami for 10 years and know the “Bryan” type of guy quite well. If Rachel‘s not going to show even an inch of skin this entire date, then ABC knows they’ve got to find another way to keep this “player’s” interest. And what better way to win over a superficial Miami resident’s heart than by showering him with lavish gifts!? Bryan and Rachel got the most expensive date of all cruising around town in a fancy car and stopping at the watch store where she so generously “bought” matching watches for her and her man. First of all, these watches were ugly. Why did he pick those bands?! Second of all, why was neither of them wearing the watches at their dinner that evening?! Oh, maybe because the watches never even left the store! 😉 I’m going to skip right over their fancy evening because it was boring and I don’t like Bryan (below is a photo from his Instagram that pretty much sums up why.)
Let’s move on to the next 1-on-1 date which was for the cutest guy ever, Dean. He is my personal favorite and who I would be picking if I were Rachel. However, it is clear they won’t end up together for many reasons. First of all, ABC spent all of their money wining and dining Bryan so now there was no production budget left for poor Dean‘s date. He literally got the shittiest date I’ve ever seen on this show. First they were forced to endure a Catholic mass in a language that neither of them knew (French). You can’t really bond during a church service so that sounds pretty miserable for a second date if you ask me. After church let out, they had the privilege of getting to dance alone in the little town peasant square with music played by the hot dog stand guy who was so unsanitary he had a cat laying right near the food he was selling. Dean made the best of this totally disrespectful date and he is just so freaking cute that it was the only thing keeping me from changing the channel honestly. He’s got that James Dean, day dream look in his eye 😉 (below photo is from his Instagram)
Later that evening during their dinner, Rachel was looking to see a more serious, open side of Dean. I personally think the editing team spliced their conversation to make Dean appear less mature and more nervous. I would be willing to bet that his tooth fairy and dinosaur jokes were made at a different point in the evening than when she was asking him serious questions. My boy Dean is not stupid enough to respond to serious questions with dinosaur jokes. He may be young, but he’s not eight. I noticed last night that Rachel, in my opinion, seems to play a role similar to a motherly figure who gets all of the guys to open up and confess their insecurities while never actually sharing any of her own. She just listens to their sob stories and responds with a mix of sympathy and a hair flip that indicates she can’t relate because her life is perfect.
Next up, we have the 1-on-1 date with Peter (above pic is from his Instagram.) I don’t have much to say about this one because it bored me too. Peter is so vanilla to me. I know, I know–you’re probably obsessed with him as most women I’ve talked to are. However, I personally am only attracted to manly type men, so Peter is way to “metro” of a dresser for my taste (plus I can’t stand his grey hairs.)  Nevertheless, I do think Peter seems sweet, kind, and like a great partner for Rachel. I think that it has honestly been pretty obvious since the early weeks of the show who would be left standing in the Final Two…
The 3-on-1 date came last, where we saw Matt (photo above from ABC / Craig Sjodin), Adam, and Eric fight over who could help Rachel on and off of the boat the quickest. That was hilarious to me, seeing them try to all grab her hand first. Like guys, I’m pretty sure she could get off the boat herself; she doesn’t need the help of three people at once! Anyways, she sent Matt home and their goodbye kiss (weird) was the first time I even ever remember seeing them kiss. He was always confusing to me.
Same thing with Adam (photo above from ABC / Craig Sjodin). When the four of them sat down, he gave this genuine speech about how they wanted to make it as easy as possible for her to find her true love and blah, blah, blah. Rachel was pretty much like “aww how sweet, so Eric you wanna go hang out now?” And that is when I knew Adam was going home (okay let’s be honest, I thought he was going home every week since like May.)
Next we have Eric who has never even brought a girl home. Honestly, I know Rachel is going after what her heart truly wants but there was no way she wouldn’t bring a single black guy to hometowns. That’s just too ballsy and she’d get too much backlash from the public if she was a black girl bringing home four “white” guys (Bryan is Hispanic, but basically what I’m getting at is there is no way she wouldn’t bring home someone of her own race.) I genuinely really like Eric. He has a sexy voice and I think they are a cute match. They have fun together, but I can just tell she doesn’t have the same intensity with him as she has with Bryan and Peter. By the way, if you haven’t seen recent pictures of Eric with facial hair he looks totally different and super cute in my opinion. (Check out the below pic from his Instagram!) Also, his last name is Bigger, so like…that’s gotta keep a girl motivated to bring him at least to the Fantasy Suites episode, right?? 😉
So you’re probably wondering how I think things will pan out from here? Like I said, I don’t read spoilers so I don’t know how the season will end, but I did notice something very interesting this week! Here in Miami it is the MLB All Star Break and on Sunday they played the Celebrity Baseball Game which added Rachel to the roster on the day of the game as a “last-minute addition” because she just happened to be in Miami….hmmm…I wonder why! (She was also at the Home Run Derby last night and may attend the All-Star Game tonight too.) Check out the picture below from her Instagram of her and Celebrity Game teammate, Jamie Foxx.
I’m thinking that Dean makes Top3, Peter is runner-up (and next Bachelor), and Bryan wins. I think Peter is who Rachel should pick, but he won’t win because time and time again, girls always pick the bad boy (Bryan) over the good guy (Peter).
What do you all think? Who do you have making Top3 and winning it all? Did you like this post? Leave me a comment below! I could talk about The Bachelorette until the end of time 😉
<3 xoxo, Nicole <3